WRSD Special Education Policy

Our Special Education Policy in ASL:


All Willie Ross classroom teachers are either Teachers of the Deaf or Special Education Teachers. All teachers are fluent in American Sign Language regardless of their license. 

We provide services in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that comes to the school with the student. The IEP is in effect for 364 calendar days with a new plan developed annually by the team. The student can start receiving services as early as 3 years of age until the day before they turn 22. 

The IEP team consists of the parent/guardian(s), the student when appropriate, district representative, WRSD administrator, classroom teacher, counselor, audiologist, speech/language therapist, and any other therapists required by the IEP. The IEP lists the student’s disability(ies) and the services required to address the student’s needs.

Services include: 

  • Direct teaching services 
  • Interpreting services 
  • Speech and Language services 
  • English grammar 
  • Articulation 
  • Listening 
  • American Sign Language vocabulary and grammar 
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy 
  • Adaptive Physical Education 
  • 1:1 paraprofessional support 
  • Counseling 
  • Assistive technology 
  • Teacher of the visually impaired services 
  • Summer programming 
  • Consultation 

At each annual team meeting, services will be reviewed and ensured that the student is receiving the right amount of services. During three year evaluations, specific services may be found to no longer be necessary and with the team’s approval, be removed from the IEP. In addition, while WRSD is a least restrictive environment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students due to being able to provide the least amount of language and communication barriers, placement will be reviewed annually to ensure the school is an appropriate fit for the students. In the case it is not, a plan will be developed with the ETL of the student’s sending district to find a more appropriate fit for the student. 

If a parent or a school professional requests an evaluation, parent consent must be received in writing for an evaluation to occur. Once the signed consent is received, the team has 30 school days to do the evaluation and 45 days to schedule and hold a meeting to discuss the evaluation results. If the evaluation results show that a student needs additional (or to reduce or to remove) services, the team will make the determination at the meeting and write either a new IEP or an amendment to update services. 

In the student’s IEP, it is determined whether the student has a cognitive impairment or language delay that necessitates state-required alternative assessments. 

If WRSD cannot provide the appropriate services needed for a student, a team meeting will be called to determine the next steps. 

Progress reports will be disseminated four times a year to show the student’s progress towards each goal on their IEP. 

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