This is a five year plan.
The plan will be reviewed twice every school year in October and May.
● As of June 2023, 72% of our population are students of color.
● According to MCAS scores in ELA, 57% of students of color are meeting state standards while 38% of others are.
● According to MCAS scores in Math, 18% of students of color are meeting state standards while 38% of others are.
● According to MCAS scores in Science, 31% of students of
color are meeting state standards while 40% of others are.
WRSD faculty and staff will provide instruction and learning experiences that are evidence-based, culturally sensitive, and current so that all students can achieve to the best of their ability. Faculty will collaboratively use assessment data to support all students in achieving a high standard of academic performance and growth.
● Adherence to curriculum mapping and updated curriculum whenever appropriate
● Improved assessment scores
● Staff and students feel supported in all aspects of their
time at WRSD
● Improved attendance
● Students become more invested in their studies and
partake in more opportunities
● Earlier intervention strategies applied as necessary
● Curriculum review map created by the Lead Faculty and utilized regularly
● Creation and implementation of MTSS (Academics) tiered
● DEI work and training for all staff and students
● Attendance data analyzed and interventions put into place
for those at risk
● MAP and MCAS data analysis, implement in instruction, and create and implement appropriate
interventions as needed
● Create enrichment opportunities
● Implementation of early literacy screening
● As of June 2023, 72% of our population are students of color.
● Out of the 7 students supended in the 2022-2023 school year, 5 were of color (or 71%.)
Through schoolwide SEL, MTSS, and PBIS, we will create an equitable learning environment with compassion and respect for all students that empowers them to achieve their potential.
Culturally responsive instruction implemented with quality in all classrooms, all demographic groups have equally positive responses on school climate survey, and no discipline or achievement disparities present between student subgroups. Interventions are appropriate and successful.
After school programming is robust and equitable. All adults and students model strong SEL. All students demonstrate increased competence on SEL assessment from year to year.
● Professional Learning on Culturally Responsive Instruction
● Review discipline procedures and practices and revise to integrate SEI and reduce disparity
● Identify classrooms with higher numbers of discipline referrals / incident reports and work on community building and proactive discipline
● Implement MTSS for behavior
● Increase PBIS consistency in all parts of the school program
● Increase family partnerships by creating and following a family engagement plan, targeting families with ELL and low-income status
● Review discipline and attendance data disaggregated by race for continuous improvement
● Ongoing coaching and goal setting with identified staff
● Continue to broaden after-school offerings and make it equitable for all students to participate consistently
● Identify and secure resources for use of an evidence based SEL program and implement
● Select and use a SEL assessment
● All students on their IEP receive language services of some kind.
● 70% of all current staff and 79.6% of direct care staff have intermediate or higher scores on their SLPI.
To honor our communication philosophy, we will continuously improve our language knowledge and skills and use them to the best of our ability in all settings, in order to be equitable and accessible for all students and staff.
● Increased ASL fluency in both staff and students
● Increased English fluency in our students
● Determine, develop, and implement best practices for our Language Department
● Increased accessibility for DeafBlind people
● Students are exposed to all different areas of language consistently and assessment data reflects that
● Implementation of AACs and other successful communication access strategies
● Schedule and provide ASL classes for staff
● Language Committee to meet regularly and prioritize needs along with an action plan
● Language Department to examine best practices and experiment with push ins.
● Social / after hours opportunities for signing practice
● Enforce signing improvement plans
● Avoid linguistic overprotection
● Improve knowledge in AAC use
● Improve practices in working with DeafBlind people
● Consider and implement successful communication access strategies
Founded by parents; providing excellence in education, one child at a time.
Willie Ross School for the Deaf, All Rights Reserved
Designed by Wild Apple Design Group