Our Longmeadow Campus provides a center-based immersion environment in which deaf and hard of hearing students can learn together in an accessible setting. The campus offers a developmentally appropriate curriculum for students ages 3-22 that is aligned with the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and adapted for deaf and hard of hearing students.
WRSD employs a Total Communication approach in our school programs. Individual communication needs of each student are based on comprehensive and ongoing assessment. WRSD utilizes American Sign Language, spoken and written English, spoken English in combination with sign support as well as any and all augmentative communication tools deemed appropriate by the child’s IEP team.
Occupational and Physical Therapy services are provided through third party contractors in accordance with the students' IEP.
For students who wish to pursue vocational studies, WRSD offers a comprehensive School to Work Program that begins at age 14 with a job skills class and prevocational training. Internships are offered through various employers in surrounding communities. The goal of the program is to provide a successful transition from school to employment.
The Partnership Campus within the East Longmeadow Public Schools provides our deaf and hard of hearing students with the unique opportunity to attend school with hearing peers while receiving a Willie Ross School education in one of our specialized classrooms. This approach at the Partnership Campus combines the social and educational benefits of mainstream education with the individualized instruction and communication services provided at a school for the deaf.
Willie Ross School has licensed teachers of the deaf and support staff at the Partnership Campus schools, including on-site audiologists, physical education instructors and counselors. The full range of academic curricula is drawn from the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework and is adapted for deaf and hard of hearing students.
The partnership campus includes Mountain View Elementary School, Birchland Park Middle School and East Longmeadow High School.
Willie Ross students interact with public school students during lunch, recess and other activities.
The WRSD Early Intervention program serves deaf and hard of hearing children from birth to age 3 and their families who reside in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester Counties. We create an individual communication approach for each child, incorporating current research, evaluations of the child's abilities and parent input. The Early Intervention team provides both home- and center-based services to families, developing and implementing plans that consist of, but are not limited to, the following concepts:
For more information, please contact
Laurie Brown, EdS
Director of Outreach Services
Early Intervention Coordinator
Email: lbrown@wrsdeaf.org
Phone: 413-567-0374
VP: 413-306-3970
Whether placed in a school for the deaf or a public school setting, WRSD believes children deserve services designed to meet their individual needs, delivered by professionals who understand their unique learning differences. Our Outreach program supports each individual student's language and communication needs as determined by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team.
Working in collaboration with school district personnel, our Outreach team provides a team provides a variety of services to deaf and hard of hearing students as well as their families.
Teachers of the Deaf
Certified teachers of the deaf are available to meet the specific requirements of a child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan by providing direct instruction or consultation to support the best educational outcomes for students.
Speech and Language
Direct services and consultation provided by licensed professionals trained and experienced in working with deaf and hard of hearing children to support language development and learning.
Sign Language Instruction
In-school and in-home options available to students, their families, and the general community. WRSD may also contract with school districts for sign language classes for staff or students. In addition, formal American Sign Language (ASL) instruction as a foreign language requirement can be provided at the high school level.
Observation, Consultation, and Assessment
Our team can provide testing and observation reports designed to assist in education planning and transition services.
Our Outreach audiologists provide evaluation, consultation, comprehensive equipment management, and training—including on-site equipment troubleshooting.
Speech and Language consultation is provided by licensed professionals trained and experienced in working with deaf and hard of hearing children.
Services include:
Willie Ross School for the Deaf can develop, staff, implement and manage a program within school districts designed to meet the specific needs of a student population.
Willie Ross School for the Deaf's sign language classes take place in the fall and spring each year. Classes meet once per week. Participants must be 16 years of age or older to attend.
For more information on our community ASL classes, visit our ASL classes page by clicking the button below.
Founded by parents; providing excellence in education, one child at a time.
Willie Ross School for the Deaf, All Rights Reserved
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