From Robert Carter, President and CEO
Our school was founded in 1967 by parents who sought to establish an innovative program for their child. Their focus was on academic excellence and educational achievement. They also wished to have a program that would demonstrate the benefits of deaf and hard of hearing children learning alongside hearing children. The community at Willie Ross School for the Deaf is a proud heir to that legacy. We are constantly striving to maintain an instructional environment that meets the needs of our students.
We employ a Total Communication approach in our school programs. Individual communication needs of each student are based on comprehensive and ongoing assessment. WRSD utilizes American Sign Language, spoken and written English, spoken English in combination with sign support, as well as any and all augmentative communication tools deemed appropriate by the child’s IEP team.
Founded by parents; providing excellence in education, one child at a time.
Willie Ross School for the Deaf, All Rights Reserved
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